Mortgage Refinance Campaign Thumbnail

Mortgage Refinance Campaign

Company/Client Name:

Suncoast Credit Union

Project Scope:

  • Art Direction & Design
  • Email Design & Development
  • Email Marketing Automation
  • Digital Ads

Campaign Goals

The goal of this automated marketing campaign was to target potential mortgage refinance applicants. Our data team identified potential applicants based off of “look-alike” criteria of other applicants.

Creative Direction

I partnered with our content marketing specialist to develop the creative direction of this campaign. We went with the phrase “Still Home Sweet Home” as the campaign’s catchphrase to reflect the goal of a refinance applicant: They still love their home, they just want it to cost less.

The photography selected emphasized the warmth of a happy home. Colors used in the campaign were reflected throughout the photography.

Workflow Automation Strategy

I was given direction to have the automated marketing target the members over a series of three weeks. From there, I developed the automation strategy.

  • Members who did not open would be resent the same messages with new subject lines.
  • Members who opened but didn’t click would receive a second email with a similar subject line.
  • Members who opened and clicked would be removed from the workflow and retargeted with display ads.
  • Any member who applied (regardless of open or click), would be removed from the workflow.

Email Design

The emails were designed with the same overall look. The content was developed to provide a different context for applying. The first email showcases the value of refinancing with Suncoast. The second would list the personal reasons they may want to refinance. The final email direction provided a more urgent tone, encouraging them to apply.

Display Ads

When a recipient would click the email to view our landing page, they would be retargeted with a series of animated display ads, which were set up in AdWords by our paid media company.

Campaign Results

The initial test run of the campaign resulted in multiple conversions from potential applicants to applicants. Given that a mortgage refinance is a large financial decision, we determined that the campaign was successful and we will make small adjustments to increase click rates in our next run of the campaign.